Carpathians (10)

The international event will take place in the area of European importance of the NATURA 2000 network, near the NPP…

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  Local event will be at Orava lake, near wather and near wather biotop of NATURA 2000. Orava lake is…

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Importance of mountain river Keep water clean for many species of fishes, especially Hucho Hucho Mineral water from Maramures Mountains…

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  This activity will be a combination of hiking, learning about nature and water experiences. The participants will begin at…

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  • Destination Parcul Naţional Călimani
  • Départ July 12th
  • Retour July 13th
  • Organisateurs National Forest Administration-Romsilva
  • Contact Camelia Tampau-Valach
  • Téléphone 0040733006935
Această activitate se dorește să fie o combinare de drumeții, jocuri, experiențe artistice și istorice. Participanţii vor urca din oraşul…

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  În data de 12 Iulie 2022, Administrația Parcului Național Retezat vă invită să participați la cea de-a doua ediție…

Informations supplémentaires

  • Destination Parcul Național Retezat
  • Départ July 12th
  • Retour July 13th
  • Contact Lucia Ursu
  • Téléphone +40742120469
It will one day hiking starting from the bottom of the mountain ți the second highest peak of Ceahlău Massif.…

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Informations supplémentaires

  • Destination Piatra Craiului National Park
  • Départ July 12th
  • Retour July 13th
  • Organisateurs NFA Romsilva - Piatra Craiului National Park Administration R.A.
  • Contact Andrea Kurta
  • Téléphone +40748127421
Activity: water testing, biomonitoring Accomodation: kemp

Informations supplémentaires

  • Destination Pieniny National Park
  • Départ July 12th
  • Retour July 13th
  • Organisateurs Správa Pieninského národného parku so sídlom v Spišskej Starej Vsi
  • Contact Margareta Malatinova
The program will include a variety of activities such as: monitoring of pray birds, monitoring of small mammals with live-traps,…

Informations supplémentaires

  • Destination Putredu Peak (over 2.000 m high), alpine area, glacial circuses
  • Départ July 12th
  • Retour July 13th
  • Organisateurs Administratia Parcului National Muntii Roidnei
  • Contact Claudiu Iusan